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Paulee CleanTec converts livestock manure into dry fertilizer overnight
Paulee CleanTec converts livestock manure into dry fertilizer overnight

San Francisco Building Gives Water and Human Waste a Second Life
San Francisco Building Gives Water and Human Waste a Second Life

Device transforms mountain of manure into powdered, odourless organo-mineral fertilizer
Device transforms mountain of manure into powdered, odourless organo-mineral fertilizer

Technologies your dog has been waiting for (audio) 2014
Technologies your dog has been waiting for (audio) 2014

Paulee CleanTec won the second place in the Cleantec Open Israel Competition 2014
Paulee CleanTec won the second place in the Cleantec Open Israel Competition 2014

Paulee CleanTec won the first pize in the Nutrient Recycling Challange 2016
Paulee CleanTec won the first pize in the Nutrient Recycling Challange 2016

A no BS answer to the world’s massive manure problem
A no BS answer to the world’s massive manure problem